Counterparties are external service providers such as crypto exchanges, banks, OTC desks and custody providers for which Parfin has developed bespoke native integrations. This allows you to securely connect Parfin to these service providers via APIs (Application Program Interfaces) to retrieve data and generate transactions.

To connect to a counterparty:

  1. Go to SETTINGS and click on COUNTERPARTIES on the left menu

  2. Check all the existing counterparties that you are connected to already (if any)

  3. Also note that Parfin provides certain Internal Accounts as default and those cannot be modified or deleted

  4. Once you are ready to add a new counterparty click on the CONNECT COUNTERPARTY button on the top right hand corner of the screen

  5. Select the type of counterparty you want to connect and the name of the service provider

  6. If you cannot see the desired service provider, it likely means it is not supported by Parfin yet. If you have questions about this please contact Parfin Support

  7. Once you select your desired service provider, please follow the specific service provider guide (available in this manual set) to connect and test it